The fiftyfifty in Düsseldorf has been sold by the homeless and poor for 25 years. People can earn extra money with it and don’t have to beg. It helps to structure the day and to come into contact with other people. But the future of the street newspaper fiftyfifty is threatened. Digitization and the ongoing corona crisis are giving it a hard time. A mere switch to online is hardly possible for a newspaper of this kind – the homeless on the street can only be supported by a paper edition. However, the editions are falling dramatically here. Therefore, fiftyfifty has come up with something new: support the print version with a digital subscription. We, the Senators, want to support that! As a sports club, we see it not only as possible, but also as necessary to use our platform to make others aware of such situations.
Everyone who completes an online subscription will receive the fiftyfifty every month by email as a pdf.
Already 38 euros a year help to keep the newspaper appearing as a Printer magazine. Every subscriber receives an artwork for free. For more information check out fiftyfifty’s website here: